My heartfelt thanks, appreciation, and gratitude go out to all the volunteers, helpers, and advisors who made this campaign possible. The following is merely a partial list and is not presented in any specific order (excluding the first one), so please don't be miffed if you are not listed here. If I have your address then you'll probably be getting a Christmas card.


Where would I be without Him? (How did I get almost 10 percentage points over the actual voter demographics?)

James Wasserman

The very first campaign contributor; and with a name like that he obviously had to be listed.

Laura Enzweiler

The sign-waving, gun-shootin', print-anything-on-short-notice volunteer.

Kevin Tynan, John Pisula, Rich Ramos

The three of them added up to one fine campaign advisor, (speech proofreader, fashion coordinator, etc.)

Marty J Falk

The go anywhere, anytime for anything volunteer.

Gary Waugaman

Donated the initial and revised web site design making it easier for me to maintain everything myself.

The Bucher and the Truex Families

Each provided their own personal army of motivated sign wavers and competed for the award for Loudest Campaign Cheerleaders.

Jodie Needle

The Sun-Sentinel reporter who had the opportunity to make me look like a kook, but instead fixed my grammar and coached my quotes to sound punchier, and make me sound more like me.

Greg Barnes

He can figure out how to print twice as many mailers in color for less than black and white and mail them out for half as much as any other campaign would have spent.

Laura Corriss

Invested her own resources to provide advertising.

Ed Rahn

An individual citizen who really made the BIG commitment to support the campaign more than anyone else.

Ana Hereau

A single mom who believed enough to donate more than she really had to.

Terry Ritter

One of the most motivated sign deployment volunteers.

Alberto Fernandez

Another one of the most zealous sign deployers, fielding more signage than all others.

The Davie Republicans

Sign wavers, helpers, advice, and more.

The Southwest Broward Citizens Committee

Sign wavers, helpers, advice, and more.

PD. POL. ADV. Paid for by Ken Jennings (R) Campaign. Approved by Ken Jennings.